B- Brighten

Teeth whitening is the most efficient method to enhance any smile. Our precise assessment, personalised recommendation, and bespoke whitening trays consistently deliver outstanding results.

Spot the difference

4 weeks home whitening. ICON resin treatment to remove the staining and white spots. What an incredible transformation!

Uniform results

This whitening was achieved in just 4 weeks using our premium home whitening kit.

Natural Results

4 week premium whitening kit to whiten and even out the colour of our patients teeth.

In your control

2x hygiene appointments to improve gum health. 4 weeks premium home whitening. What a result for a healthier glowing smile. 

Natural White

4 week home whitening after Invisalign giving a nice natural white result.

If you're looking for whitening but unsure of your options why not book a smile consultation with dr simon today or fill out our free online assessment form.

Please fill out your details below to request a consultation with Dr Simon Blank. Reception will be in contact shortly to arrange your appointment.

Please note we charge a refundable £35 deposit to book the consultation (this is redeemable against treatment)

We look forward to meeting you soon